martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

Special Post Nº1

Well as I promise here’s my first Special Post, first because 1 time every 2 weeks I will post something that is REALLY IMPORTANT about sonic. LET’S BEGIN!

After all the reviews I post you may saw how the new Sonic Game is acclaimed by all (fans and not fans)
Even more, I have read some of the comments in the reviws pages and I saw a lot this kind of commentary “I’m surprise this sonic doesn’t suck” “8.7 wow, looks that sonic come from afterlife”
It’s right, in the recent years Sega has released really good Sonic Games like Colors, All Stars Racing and Tennis, Generations, All Stars Racing Transformed.
Every one of these games received critical acclaim. So we can say that the black years of sonic (sonic 2006, secrets rings etc) are gone, but I’m afraid to tell you that not at all.
Let me explain, you remember WHY sega released games like sonic 2006, Sega in that days has BAD ATTITUDES, remember “It doesn’t matter the quality of games if we can sell it” Sega careless about the develop of a game and that was obvious.
The thing is that some ATTITUDES that Sega show during the develop of All Stars Racing Transformed put me aware about that could repeat again.
You may not know, but Sega retire some of the budget to Sumo Digital during the final phases of develop, also they forced sumo digital to include BAD CHARACTERS (Danica, Gum etc) and then Sumo decide to work overhorary (by free) only to give us a decent character cast.
Also days after sega fired a lot of employees they announce they will sponsor Danica Patrick, from where they get the money so easy to wast it like that?
Even more, legendary sega characters like vectorman doesn’t appear in the game because sega did focus groups with kids who wasn’t able to handle it.
Then the final bomb, the release date was closing and the game was not finished. (remember sonic 2006) Sumo digital began to ran 1000 per hour to try to finish. (they even work for free a lot of hours)
That kind of sega was the responsable for the damage to sonic and sega reputation with horrible games like sonic 2006.
That is scaring. Did you imagine how the game could be if Sumo doesn’t work for free a lot of hours?
We must give thanks that the game is an Excelent AAA. And we must give thanks to sumo digital for his work.
I don’t want to scare you to buy the game, I REALLY WANT TO ALL YOU BUY THE GAME because the game is excellent.
I only want to you write to sega and when you send your feedback of the game you told them that those attitudes can not be repeated again. In that link you can submit your feedback of the game, please mention the problems I mention here so they can think about it.

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