martes, 4 de diciembre de 2012

1up A-

1UP gives Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed an A-, saying “Sega manages to pack another All-Stars game full of self-referential mayhem while still continuing a top-notch racing series.” Read the full review at
You have fun games, and then you have games that have fun. In Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed, this is apparent even in the audio options. If you begin to turn down the announcer’s voice, you’ll hear his increasingly faint cries: “You’re going the wrong way!” “This is my only job!” It’s the tiniest of details, but it’s representative of the sort of fun Transformed has, on top of the overall celebrations of Sega’s history.
The old Sega is still in the new Sega, and that’s a fun thought. 

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