sábado, 2 de febrero de 2013

Hedgehog Day: Sega is playing with our minds!!!

You like to predict the future? This is your day.
Sega has showed a weird message in his official blog. Try to spot it:

Happy Hedgehog Day! 
"On February 2nd in 1994, Sonic the Hedgehog 3 was released in the US, and it was dubbed “Hedgehog Day”. For the past few years, we’ve revived this day as a holiday for all Sonic fans. We’ve got some great stuff coming up this year, but we’re not ready to talk about it just yet.
Instead, we wanted to show you one of the unique items we have in our office at SEGA of America. This is a 10th Anniversary Sonic statue signed by Tom Kalinske, Al Nilsen, Madeline Schroeder, and Shinobu Toyoda. It’s truly a one-of-a-kind piece of Sonic history, and it’s pretty amazing.
From all of us to all of you… Happy Hedgehog Day, and thanks for being true blue Sonic fans."

Did you see it? Some of the letters has a different case.
All the letters form the word "ernirehdgr" and if you play with it you can form the word "Red Hearing"
Come Michael Patcher What does it means Red Hearing?

This is not the first time Sega uses a hidden message to tease games. Some time ago they used the word "Berlin" to tease Sonic 4 Ep2 .
Why? Because a famous writter called Berlin wrote a tale called "The Hedgehog and the Fox"

And now prepare to let your imagination fly:

Even my University Math Homeworks are easier to decode
that the Sega Message.

Let's learn some history: Samuel Pepys, a famous polítician wrote a famous newspaper that show with details how was the  restructuration who had England in 1660. In the February 28 entry he wrote that he ate "red herrings"
That can mean that Sega may anounce the upcoming Sonic game on February 28. 
Sounds Crazy? Believe me, I think the same.

The other possibility is less crazy: In English the word "Red Herrings" ussually means "FAKE CLUE" in other words Sega is trolling us! 
Fake clue! LOL

Other fans believe that consider the success of the release of Sonic Adventure and Sonic Adventure 2 HD the upcoming sonic game may be Sonic Adventure 3, even more some fans believe that consider that "Red Herrings" is a clue about something related to BIG the cat.
Anyway, in few hours we will know the truth

Source: Sonic Paradise

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